Daily Diving Requirements
A day’s diving consists of 2 dives a day, 3rd dive is optional.
We meet at the Dive Centre at 08.15 and depart for the dive site at approx. 08.40.
We come back after 2 dives at approx.14.30 depending on the sites we choose for the day.
When boat diving we depart from the Jetty between 08.30-09.30 and return after a full day between 15.30-16.00, These times may change depending on time of year. For half day trips the boat will return to the Jetty at 11.30-12.00.
For special trips departure times will be notified at resort.
Snorkelling/passengers on boats are subject to space. Snorkelling is only permitted when there is supervision on the boat .
You may only snorkel on dive sites where there is no direct boat traffic and it’s done on one’s own risk.
Night dives departure from the Dive Centre varies between 17.30 in Winter and 19.30 in Summer.
Dives in your dive packages do not have to be made on consecutive days.
You may be required to complete a check dive and/or a scuba review depending on your level and experience.

Accompanying non diving guests. Space in the dive trucks is limited to booked divers, only in cases were there is a free seat will it be possible for non divers to join the excursions.
This is offered on the day itself, depending on availability only, Non diving guests will be charged Euro 30 for shared use of transport.

Pre-Conditions for Diving
Qualified divers need to present their certification card and logbook.  Any person not in possession of a log book will need to make a minimum of one initial check dive.
All divers will need to sign a self assessment medical statement and a Risk and Liability Statement.
If the diver answers “YES” to any of the medical conditions on the form, a medical certificate signed by a doctor is required.  The medical certificate can be obtained at a doctors clinic, or should you prefer we have two doctors on call at the dive centre and a medical examination will cost €50
Divers aged 70 or above are required to provide an in date "fit to dive" certificate.
Divers under the age of 18 need to provide written parental/ guardian consent allowing them to dive.
All divers are asked to complete a short skill assessment evaluation at the start of their first dive with us.

Unguided diving (Independent Diving) and Equipment Rental
Maltese law requires that a diver renting equipment and diving independently must be qualified as PADI Advanced Open Water, BSAC Sports Diver or equivalent. 
Divers below this level may not rent equipment.
Unguided diving is only recommended for qualified divers who are already familiar with the Maltese dive sites.
A diver wishing to do unguided diving needs to arrange his own buddy. Solo diving is not recommended or encouraged by our dive centre.
Divers opting for independent diving need to have their own transport.
Customers renting equipment from Maltaqua must check that all equipment is working properly prior to leaving the centre. 
If stolen or damaged, customers are required to reimburse the centre for the item in full.
The customer renting the equipment is fully responsible for all equipment once it is removed from the Dive Centre.  Rental equipment is not covered by Maltaqua Insurance once it leaves Maltaqua premises!
All items must be returned in good working order on the SAME day as taken.  Items will be charged on a daily basis until handed back to reception staff.
We provide NO washing or storage facilities of personal dive kit, please be sure your accommodation offers this service.
Guests booked to stay in our accommodation; Sands or Villa Michael, are welcome to make Free use of the rinsing and storage facilities provided at these premises.

Guided Dives
Maltese Law requires that all divers below Advanced Open water, BSAC Sports diver or equivalent need to be accompanied/ guided by an Instructor in the water at all times.
All our dive guides are qualified Instructors. Divers are grouped into teams of similar qualification and experience and suitable dive sites are then selected according to the groups preferences
Divers using our transport to and from the dive sites do so at their own risk.
The maximum depth for each client is determined, on certification level and the date of the last dive.
We do not encourage Decompression Dives for Recreational diving. This does not apply to Technical Diving. 
Divers opting for Technical dives need to book for these separate to our normal recreation dives. Rates for Technical dives vary greatly depending on clients particular request. Rates for these dives will be quoted for on an individual basis.
No refunds are given for dives booked and not completed. 24 hour cancellation notice is required should you wish to change the dates of your diving, allowing us enough time to offer your space to other potential clients.

PADI Certification fees apply for each successfully completed course. 
PADI fees are included when purchasing the theory online code.
Once PADI Theory Elearning codes have been activated these cannot be deleted or refunded.
PADI Standards require that appropriate PADI materials are purchased for use on each course. These are charged for extra.
Students on BSAC Courses are required to have the relevant BSAC Packs.  The fee for this, which includes registration with BSAC Headquarters, is not included in the course price.
Maltaqua have the right to withhold final certification, should the Instructor feel that the student has not reached the required level needed for that level of certification as defined by the training organisation.

Maltaqua offers free pick up from local hotels ( St. Pauls bay, Bugibba and Qawra ) for divers booked for escorted diving or training courses. 
Please make sure that you have all necessary paper work including logbooks and vouchers with you, so that you will not miss the transfer.
Thank you for understanding that the bus cannot wait for individual guests.
All divers and passengers making use of Maltaqua transport need to be decently dressed and are asked to wear dry clothes.
As a courtesy to other customers using the transport, passengers with wet clothing will not be allowed on to the transport.  Wrap around towels are not adequate.
Our vans are not  equipped to carry infants. Persons wishing to have non diving  family members join the excursion, need to organise their own means of transport.

Guests are responsible for taking out adequate insurance cover for their diving activities and equipment.
Personal items or equipment left at the dive centre during the day or over night are not covered by Maltaqua’s Insurance cover. Items left on Maltaqua premises are left at customers own risk.

Force Majeure
Actions of Independent contractors such as Airlines, Tour Operators, Hospitality service providers are not the responsibility of Maltaqua Ltd.
We reserve the right to shorten a trip, change itineraries or substitute a vessel for weather or mechanical reasons.

Securing your booking
A non refundable deposit per person is required to secure any booking with us.  The deposit required varies on the type of package you are booking.
You will see the amount of deposit required for your particular course or package when clicking on the package you wish to book on our web site.
No booking is secure without this payment. Email confirmation without proof of deposit payment is not sufficient.
To secure accommodation, a non refundable deposit of value equivalent to 3 night stay is required.

Cancellation Policy
We recommend all travellers to obtain sufficient holiday Insurance to cover cancellation fees.
Please ensure you are covered in case you need to abort a dive package or course for whatever reason, as full payment will still be required.
We will not provide any refund for packages or courses booked but not completed.
Diving services:
Any purchased PADI codes which have already been activated cannot be refunded, PADI offer flexible terms which allow you to complete your training within a 12 month period.
Cancellations: Full payment is required for any diving service, course or package booked and cancelled less than 7 days prior to the booking date.
Accommodation services:
Notification of cancellation received more than 20 days prior to arrival, will result in loss of deposit payment ( equivalent to 3 night stay)
Notification of cancellation received less than 20 days prior to arrival, full payment is required

Items to bring with you to the Dive Centre:
Certification card
Doctors certificate when needed
Log Book / Referral or E-Learning paperwork
Voucher (Booking confirmation)
Swimsuit, towel, change of dry clothes, sunscreen
Money for Lunch, drinks, sundries

Divers in wet clothing will not be allowed to use the transport, wrap around towel is not sufficient.
Please do not bring any valuables that you are not able to take with you in the water.
The Dive Centre has a Safe Locker where you may leave valuables for the day while diving.

Rates quoted are in Euro and are subject to change without prior notice.